
Creative Lab 3 is a design practice driven to take on the great challenges of our time.  

Every project holds the power to transform our experience, atmosphere, and environment. As architects, clients, users, and builders, we are responsible for collectively working toward a positive impact.

We are not mere bystanders but active participants in the ongoing narrative of progress. Our actions as designers shape the trajectory of our immediate context and the world at large. By embracing this shared responsibility, we unleash the transformative power of architecture. We become catalysts for positive change, leveraging our expertise to create spaces that inspire, uplift, and connect with an architecture that gives more to the world than it takes.

We have designed buildings large and small that have reached the highest levels of sustainable certifications. While it is important to have measurable methods and agreed standards, sustainable design is more than lists and certificates; it is a mindset, design driver, and genuine values that our clients and we share.  

We are committed to the AIA 2030 Challenge, working to implement innovative sustainable design strategies into all our projects to reduce our operational and embodied carbon. Every project represents a unique opportunity to leverage its location, program, and users to determine the best mix of design, technology, and operational strategies to deliver outstanding building performance within the project budget.